Model 9623-EV Leak Rate Monitor

The Model 9623-EV is a new revision to it improves upon a proven design

The Model 9623-EV is a revision built from an industry proven design. This unit can function with no power source by utilizing an internal internal air/electric generator.
It has three flow ranges and one pressure channel. The 9623-EV quantifies the component’s leakage rate by maintaining a constant gas pressure against the barrier being tested while measuring the gas flow rate needed in order to maintain that pressure constant. Using three ranges, a 1000 to 1 turn-down ratio is achieved with a 1% of full scale accuracy over each of the three ranges. Each flow range is customer selectable. Full scale flow ranges up to 400 slpm may be ordered. This same unit may also be used to perform temperature compensated pressure decay tests on large volumes.
High Accuracy Pressure Regulator
Ruggedized Color Touch Screen Display
Three Flow Ranges
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